With July's 'Follow the Path' theme done, I crowdsourced the theme for August. Overall, most responses were in the vein of "color!, give us some color!" So I am obliging. The theme this month is 'Vector the Rainbow' and while that seems like a simple change from my (mostly) black and white designs, it adds a whole new layer to consider while designing.
I hope you enjoy!

2017.8.1- Red1- Partial hexagons+shadows+lines

2017.8.2- Red2- Pentagon+rotation+shadows+distorted line background

2017.8.3- Red3- organic lines blended+shadows+masking

2017.8.4- Red4- Circle w/Blend shadows/highlights+Curves Blended+Blended grid+shadows

2017.8.5- RedToOrange- Lines configured as cubes+halftones+shadows

2017.8.6- Orange1- Tapered lines+zig zag+concentric circles+shadows

2017.8.7- Orange2- Lines+Taper+zig zag+shadow effect

2017.8.8- Orange3- Ovals (blended)+Lines (blended)+Shadow Effect

2017.8.9- Orange4- Hexagon blended to reshaped circle + lines (blended) + Square to Oval blended with zig zag effect +Shadow Effect

2017.8.10- OrangeToYellow- Listening to lots of Synthwave+blended sets of lines+zig zag filter+roughened lines

2017.8.11- Yellow1- Background lines (blended)+Octogon (Blended)+Shadows

2017.8.12- Yellow2- Lines (blended)+Shadow bend effects+duplication

2017.8.13- Yellow3- Tapered Lines (blended) w/spine replaced with circle path+Duplication and rotation+black lines blended w/offset

2017.8.14- YellowToGreen- Squares+Two Colors+Blend+Transform(Rotation)

2017.8.15- Green1- Angled lines Blended to grid+Thick and thin line blended+Half ovals blended+FM halftone

2017.8.16- Green2- Hexagon quartered and blended+blended lines+shadows

2017.8.17- Green3- Concentric circles+Zig zag smoothed+shadow blend effects

2017.8.17- GreenToBlue- Semi-Circles, blended and offset+Duplicated+color steps+Blend shadows

2017.8.19- Blue1- Lines (blended)+skew+shadow blends+duplication

2017.8.20- Blue2- Organic line rotated and duplicated+circle blended with hexagon+shadows blend

2017.8.21- Blue3- Triangle rotated and duplicated+Inverted and lightened+Shadow blend+scale and rotate

2017.8.22- BlueToIndigo- Blue and Indigo circles blended, duplicated and alternated+blended squares with pucker effect

2017.8.23- Indigo1- Lines blended and duplicated w/offset+zig zag effect expanded+blend highlight_shadow blend

2017.8.24- Indigo2- Blended lines duplicated and mirrored+Hexagon and lines to mimic cube+square spiral lines duplicated and blended+shadow blend

2017.8.25- Indigo3- 3 Hexagons, 2 Blended+Lines w/offset, blended+Blend Shadows

2017.8.26- IndigoToPurple- Straight lines blended+ Circle w/Zig Zag offset and blended+Blend shadows

2017.8.27- Purple1- Dashed lines+scaled and offset+expanded and merged+concentric circles+masks+blend shadows

2017.8.28- Purple2- Lines blended+lines angled+blend shadows+duplication

2017.8.29- Purple3-Lines blended+rotation and duplication+Scaling and duplication+blend shadows+circles blended and bloated

2017.8.30- PurpleToSpectrum- Circles Blended from purple to color spectrum+black circles blended+duplication and repetition

2017.8.31- Spectrum- Lines blended and colored+semicircles blended+color gradient+blend shadows