Black Panther Vector Line Blend Illustration
Black Panther Mask vector fan art done using vector lines blended together and halftone effects.

Black Panther & King T'Challa Vector Portrait Collab
Black Panther & King T'Challa vector fan art portrait collaboration created by Jessie Young and John Harman

FaceMyWords Illustrations (2016/2017)
FaceMyWords began as a means to boost the words of marginalized people against hate.

American Gods- Vector Line Poster
I am very excited for the April premiere of American Gods on Starz.

Green Man Vector Line illustration
An art nouveau Green Man illustration based on the figures on a hotel in Riga, Lithuania done in a vector line blend style.

The Neverending Story- Vector Line Illustration

Self Portrait (2017)
Self portrait (2017)-
I think this is done. I do Self Portraits every so often using the style I am currently using and since I am using these two regularly, I figured it was fitting.

Kong: Skull Island- Vector Line Poster
The good folks at Legendary Pictures and PosterSpy ran a creative brief for the upcoming Kong: Skull Island movie.

Voltron- Vector line illustration
Voltron Vector Line Illustration

Resist/Persist Protest signs

MoonWatcher Social Media Illustrations
Social Media Illustrations for Moonwatcher Kickstarter

Westworld Dr. Ford- Vector Line Illustration
This one has been on my list for some time, but I couldn't get it to work using my usual process. I decided to try and merge a few techniques and am happy with the results.

David Bowie- Ziggy Stardust Vector Line Illustration
It's been a year and I'm still not completely "right" with the world. I miss the man and his talent.

Spider-Man- Vector Line Poster
New poster design in the vector line series. Looking forward to the new Spider-Man movie so I needed to create the Tom Holland version of the face in this style.

Logan- Vector Line Poster
There have been some awesome trailers for upcoming movies and Logan is no exception.

Walt Whitman- B&W/Poem Illustration
In between doing the FaceMyWords (www.facemywords.com) project images, I wanted to finish up the Walt Whitman illustration I was working on.
Words are his poem "Behold this Swarthy Face"

Emily Dickinson- B&W/Poem Illustration
The next illustration in my B&W/Poem series. I've been fond of Emily Dickinson's work since I was young.
I started with the black and white portrait drawn in Adobe Illustrator Draw on my iPad (Based on the Daguerreotype here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Dickinson#/media/File:Black-white_photograph_of_Emily_Dickinson2.png ) .
I brought that into Illustrator and cleaned up the design and placed the poem words, which were manipulated using mesh envelopes.
The poems are "Because I could not stop for Death" on her face and "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" on her neck.

Edgar Allan Poe- B&W/Poem Illustration
Since I sort of flaked on Inktober, I figured I would do another mobile vector drawing. Wanted to experiment with other ways of shading.
Edit: Took it another step further in Illustrator and added the poem, The Raven as a formed text to the face.

Guardians of the Galaxy (Drax)- Vector Line Poster
How cool was that trailer!? Drax was my favorite part of the first one and I can tell just from that minute and a half teaser that he will be great in the second one.

Rogue One (Saw Gerrera)- Vector Poster
Continuing my vector character poster fan art series. I am really curious as to how Saw fits into the story since he's crossing over from the canon of the animated series and I love Forest Whitaker.

War of the Planet of the Apes- Vector Poster
One of the coolest teasers shown during NYCC was the one for War of the Planet of the Apes. I enjoyed the other movies in this rebooted series and am looking forward to the next one.

Stranger Things (Eleven)- Vector Poster
Even though I haven't rewatched the show, it's been sitting in the back of my head.
I had started the layout of this and thrown it away a couple of times over the past month. Finally I had gotten comfortable enough with this style that I found where I wanted it to go.

Ash vs Evil Dead- Vector Poster
Continuing this style of poster designs. I love Bruce Campbell, especially as Ash.

Westworld (Maeve)- Vector Poster
Another from a wonderful show.

Westworld (The Man in Black)- Vector Poster
OK, I have a new addiction and that is HBO's Reboot of Westworld (one of my favorite movies when I was young).
Obviously the Man in Black, played by Ed Harris is the focal point of this first one. I threw in some nods to the old movie of the same name in the design.

Rogue One (K-2SO)- Vector Poster
It was suggested that I do the same sort of poster for K-2SO that I did for Jyn, so I obliged. Happy I did, really happy how it came out.

Rogue One (Jyn Erso)- Vector Poster
While trying to contemplate the next design for my series of MCU posters done in this "Blend Line" style, I decided to try out one for the upcoming Rogue One movie. Jyn looks like such a great character.

Doctor Strange- Vector Poster
After finishing my Luke Cage poster design, I was inspired to do one in the same style for another highly anticipated Marvel character.

Luke Cage- Vector Poster
I love comics and I love the recent comic movies, especially the MCU stuff. The Netflix original MArvel shows have been pretty much amazing from the start and now we are getting a new batch soon, including one of my favorite characters (both in comics and on Jessica Jones).

Overwatch- Reinhardt Illustration
I don't play it as often as I would like, but when I do, I typically play Reinhardt.

Blend Skull- Vector Illustration
It's no secret that I like skulls. They are my go to subject after eyes. For this, I wanted to see if I could go a step further with the blend tool style I have been using for recent designs.

Star Trek 50- B&W Illustration
I grew up with Star Trek. One of the first shows that I sat down and watch with my Sci-Fi loving mom and one of the first movies (The Motion Picture) I remember watching. When TNG came out, I watched it religiously.
Everything that this show, it's creator and the people who share all the screens (big and small), has done is amazing. Here's to many more.

American Gods- Mr. Nancy/Anansi B&W Illustration
Continuing my fan art illustration series for the upcoming Starz production of the amazing book, American Gods.
This time the subject is the loquacious trickster spider god Anansi aka Mr. Nancy played by Orlando Jones.
Felt that the blend tool worked well as I wanted to give it the spindly feeling of the web and still show the face in a way that it could be read. My favorite part is the eyes.

American Gods- Czernobog/Bielebog B&W Illustration
Another fan illustration of the wonderful book (and upcoming TV series) American Gods.
The subject of this is the brother gods Czernobog & Bielebog.
I did the sketch on the iPad using Adobe Photoshop Sketch and then took it into Illustrator to do the lines and full design as I wanted to keep it clean.

American Gods- Shadow Coin
I am a huge fan of Neil Gaiman's work, especially American Gods. I have followed the production of the upcoming TV show on Starz with glee and as they announced the casting, I have cheered with the choices.
In anticipation, I have been re-reading the wonderful book and listening to the full cast recording audiobook that was released for the 10th anniversary.
This idea came to me as I finished it up again and I have plans for a few variants of the design as well. Figure head and fingers done in Adobe Illustrator Draw and coin and background element done in Illustrator.

Einstein Low Poly design
Final design for my low poly Einstein. Used illustrator completely for the design and decided at the last minute to use my contour line style for his hair. 6245 paths overall.

Malkovich as Dali as triangles
Johnh Malkovich as Salvador Dalí done as low poly style. (Was originally labeled as just Dali)
I did a more simplified background than what I had originally wanted, but these things change as you work on them. Used the Astute Graphics Widthscribe 2 stamp functionality on the background.

Low poly self portrait
To continue my low poly style design work I decided to finally get around to doing a self portrait. This one uses my vector contour line style for the beard.
This design uses 2615 triangles, all drawn with the Illustrator touch interface.

Alas Poor Yorick! (Low Poly Skull)
I started this as a means to record my process, I recorded about 20 minutes of footage and got tired of having to stay in one spot and work.
This was done like my Malkovich as Dali design, using the touch interface in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the Astute Graphic Widthscribe Plugin to do the Widthstamp tool effect on a couple of the variations.
Ultimately, it's 6663 triangles. There are a few misalignments, but I will clean them up when I make print variations.

GeoCon Eye
Eye GeoCon Design-
This week's design is finished. I included some close up images to show the details. Added texture to the whites of the eyes and eyelashes as well as adding some blends to points to give it some more depth. Look at the WIP for the steps leading up to this.